Past Projects

Delivered 2005 – 2021

Spring 2021

Christchurch Beach Recycling & Rock Groyne Repairs

Recycling existing beach material to adjust levels at Avon, Friars Cliff and Highcliffe beaches, carrying out repairs to the existing rock groynes across the Christchurch frontage, and placing additional rock armour to reinforce the Steamer Point path.

2020- 2021

Canford Cliffs Stabilisation Works

A programme of stabilisation works to address the 2017 landslip below Cliff Drive, Poole. This scheme supports the £9.5 million investment programme on Poole’s seafront and the plans to convert the Canford Cliffs pavilion into a cafe and refurbish the public toilets and beach huts

Winter 2020/21

Beach Renourishment: Southbourne to Poole

Part of the Poole Bay Beach Management Scheme (2015-2032). Some 350,500m³ of dredged material was distributed on seven depleted beach areas between Solent Path, Southbourne and Shore Road, Poole

Winter 2020/21

Timber Groyne renewal

Part of the Poole Bay Beach Management Scheme (2015-2032). Stage 1 of a two-year £1.9 million programme to renew eight timber groynes between the Poole/Bournemouth boundary and Durley Chine. Five groynes between the boundary and Middle Chine were deconstructed and replaced with 4 more evenly spaced groynes


Poole Quay Seawall / Dolphin Haven

A project to safeguard the integrity of the town’s quay structures whilst enabling the Environment Agency to address the requirements to improve its flood defences.

Spring/Summer 2018

Holes Bay Flood Defences

New flood defence structures for the Creekmoor and Sterte Channels, housing tidal valves to prevent tidal water travelling back up the channels during high tides.


Poole Bay Nearshore Beach Replenishment Trial

A beach replenishment process trial that could make future projects more economically & environmentally sustainable. The trial started in February 2015 with the placement of approximately 30,000m³ of sandy material offshore at Canford Cliffs, with subsequent surveys & monitoring by the Channel Coastal Observatory. A final report was published by the Environment Agency in March 2018.


Whitley Lake Sea Defence Feasibility Study

A 5-year project to ascertain whether it is possible to create and stabilise a saltmarsh foreshore and sandy beach in front of a hardened sea defence structure, as a possible sea defence solution within Poole Harbour. 


Bourne Valley Sustainable Drainage

A long-term project involving the creation and maintenance of five Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) in Poole. The project focused on the Bourne Stream and its passage from Ringwood Road in Alderney through the Bourne Valley SSSI down to Bournemouth Gardens and the beach at Bournemouth Pier. SuDS work with the natural landscape to help alleviate flooding and improve water quality.

Winter 2016/17

Hamworthy Seawall Maintenance Repairs

The repair of damaged sections of the concrete seawall and promenade at Hamworthy Park.

Spring 2016

Beach Replenishment: Bournemouth Pier to Solent Beach

BIS5, part of the Poole Bay Beach Management Scheme – a 17-year plan to protect the coastal frontages of Poole and Bournemouth. A volume of 355,500m³ of dredged material was distributed on the beach between Bournemouth Pier and Solent Beach at Hengistbury Head (existing groyne No. B16 in the west to No. B36 in the east).

Winter 2015/16

Groyne Replacement, Bournemouth Beach

The first project in the first phase of the  Poole Bay Beach Management Scheme – a 17-year plan to protect the coastal frontages of Poole and Bournemouth. Ten (of a planned total of 53) timber groynes were replaced east of Boscombe Pier.

Archived projects (2005-2015)

Please note: links to projects below will take you to archived websites, and will open in a new browser window

Winter 2014

Storm Repairs, Shore Road towards Branksome beach

The storms of winter 2013/14 caused a significant loss of sand along the frontage at Shore Road and towards Branksome beach. Replenishment work was prioritised to ensure the beach was wide enough to protect against further storm damage and £1.8 million was awarded to recycle sand from the Swash Channel, Poole Harbour.

Winter 2014

Storm Repairs, Baiter Seawall

During the storms of winter 2013/14 scouring below the seawall’s foundations caused damage to the footpath behind. Whilst the footpath was repaired immediately, further work was needed to ensure the integrity of the wall, to contain the historic landfill site to the rear and to ensure the future safety of pedestrians.

Winter 2013

Sand Recycling Trials on Poole’s Beaches

During November 2013 a one-off coast protection trial was prepared at Poole to assess the volume of wind blown sand and the possibility of recycling sand on Poole’s beaches.

2008 – 2010

Bournemouth Beach Top-ups

Bournemouth Beach Improvement Schmes (BIS) 4.3 – 4.5. During the three years 2008-2010 the council pledged to make good the annual sediment losses to keep the beach at a constant level and volume between Boscombe & Southbourne. Replenishment was localised and each project took just a few days.

Winter 2009

Bournemouth Timber Groyne Repair Works

A £1 million project to repair four of Bournemouth’s groynes carried out between November 2009 – February 2010.

Winter 2008

New Rock Groynes, Branksome Beach

A £1.9 million, five month project to create five new rock groynes between Branksome Chine and Branksome Dene Chine. Construction was completed May 2009.

Winter 2006/07

Bournemouth Beach Replenishment

Approx 700,000 cubic metres (1 million metric tonnes) of sand from the dredging area off the Isle of Wight was used to replenish Bournemouth’s beaches between Boscombe & Alum Chine.

Winter 2005/06

Swanage, Poole & Bournemouth Beach Replenishment

Approx 1.1 million cubic metres (1.65 million metric tonnes) of sand dredged from Poole Harbour channels & approaches was used to replenish beaches at Swanage and across Poole Bay to protect them from erosion.

Sandbanks Coast Protection 1995 – 2003

A scheme in two phases that pre-dates our websites – Phase 1: the construction of Rock Groynes 1995 & 2001, and Phase 2: Beach Replenishment 2003 at Sandbanks – are described in a report from David Robson, Senior Engineer, Coastal & Drainage Team, Borough of Poole