A-Level & GCSE Study Resources
Based on the Christchurch Bay coastline

For students & teachers, linked to the Christchurch Bay and Harbour Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management (FCERM) Strategy
Coastal management is a key topic in A-Level and GCSE studies so we have developed this set of learning resources based on the Christchurch Bay coastline and the FCERM Strategy that is currently underway
- Strategy info & updates at Christchurch Bay and Harbour FCERM Strategy
We’d be delighted to receive your feedback at coastal@bcpcouncil.gov.uk
A-Level Resource Pack
Documents download as PDFs, file size 800kb or smaller
Resource 2: Christchurch Bay – sediment cell
Resource 3: Developing the Christchurch Bay FCERM strategy
Resource 5: Photos of Naish Cliff and Barton on Sea
Resource 9: Teacher’s Notes
Resource 10: Student Activities
GCSE Study Material
Documents download as PDFs, file size 3Mb or smaller
Produced as part of the Christchurch Bay & Harbour Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Strategy, in collaboration with Geography Southwest and the project partners