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The SMP Review has been undertaken by consultants

on behalf of

Poole Bay, Poole Harbour & Wareham Flood & Coastal Erosion Risk Management Strategy Study, 2010

The new strategy will develop policy options identified by the SMP Review into implementation plans which detail flood risk management solutions at specific locations.

The study is carried out by the Environment Agency and Atkins Global, in partnership with the local authorities of Bournemouth, Poole, Purbeck and Dorset County.  The study area for the strategy extends from Durlston Head to Hengistbury Head. It includes Poole Harbour and the estuaries of the Frome and Piddle up to their tidal limits. 

Once it is completed and approved, the strategy will guide much of the work that the Environment Agency and local authorities do in this area in the future.

Your input is welcome.  Follow the link below or download the Briefing Document (July 2010, PDF, 45kb) for information and contact details.

Poole Bay & Harbour Strategy Study, March 2004

Assessment of Flood and Coast Defence Options

This document was produced by Halcrow and forms part of the Poole Bay & Harbour Strategy, which defines coastal defences for Poole Bay (between Durlston Head and Hengistbury Head including Poole Harbour) and how they should be managed for the next 50 years.

Key issues include:

Maintenance of the Long Groyne at Hengistbury Head

Beach recharge and the supply of suitable sand

Design options for the replacement of existing coastal defences and construction of new ones


Strategy Study Document

File Size

Strategy Report

Durlston Bay


Strategy Report

Swanage Bay


Strategy Report

Studland Bay


Strategy Report

Poole Harbour


Strategy Report

Poole Bay


Technical Annex 1

Coastal Conditions


Technical Annex 2

Beach Modelling


Technical Annex 3

Shoreline Evolution


Technical Annex 4

Poole Harbour Habitats


Technical Annex 5

Coastal Processes


Technical Annex 5

Estuary Processes


Technical Annex 7

Climate Change


Technical Annex 8

Benefits & Costs


Technical Annex 9

Sources of Beach Recharge Material


Technical Annex 10

Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)


NB: Technical Annex 10 (SEA) comprises the baseline and objectives only, as prepared in August 2002.  An assessment of options was then carried out between August 2002 and January 2003 and is contained within the individual Strategy Reports.

Should you experience any problems downloading these files, please contact Sarah Austin.

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