The Project
The SMP review was commissioned by the Poole &
Christchurch Bays Coastal Group, led by Bournemouth
Borough Council, supported by the Environment Agency and carried out by
consultants Royal Haskoning UK.
The Coastal Group is
made up of the maritime local authorities of Purbeck,
Poole, Bournemouth, Christchurch and New Forest.
Three local sub-groups drove the project forward, each with different but
important interests in the coast and its management:
Client Steering Group
Elected Members Forum
Key Stakeholder Group
Client Steering Group
(CSG) includes representatives of the Coastal Group together with
Dorset & Hampshire County Councils, Poole Harbour Commissioners,
Natural England and the National Trust. The CSG is responsible for the management, development and adoption of the
Poole & Christchurch Bays SMP; the group met a total of 31 times
over the period of the review.
A CSG Communications Team was formed in
June 2009, comprising skilled representative members from each of
the local authorities and the Environment Agency; they prepared
events and materials for the Public Examination period, November
2009 - February 2010, and kept the media informed of progress.
Elected Members Forum
(EMF) comprises Elected Members from each of the operating
authorities together with Environment Agency Regional Flood Defence
Committees, supported by observer representatives from Defra and Natural
England. This group were presented with analytical
conclusions to enable each authority to make informed strategic
policy decisions, and help them understand the preferred policies
they will be asked to adopt.
EMF members
Councillor Robert
Lawton (email) |
Bournemouth Borough Council |
Councillor Mike
Duckworth (email) |
Christchurch Borough Council |
Councillor Fran
Carpenter (email) |
New Forest District Council |
Councillor Peter
Adams (email) |
Borough of Poole |
Councillor Andrew
Starr (email) |
Purbeck District Council |
Key Stakeholder Group
(KSG) comprises representatives from all
parties with an interest in the long-term management of the
coastline. This group acted as a focal point for discussion and
consultation at key stages of the development of the SMP with
opportunities to provide direct feedback and information.