
About the SMP

SMP2 in full

The Project Team

The Review

Our Shoreline



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The SMP Review has been undertaken by consultants

on behalf of

Useful Links

Links to the Poole & Christchurch Bays Coastal Group member organisations can be found at the Project Team page. 

North Solent SMP - home of the neighbouring (easterly) Western Solent and Southampton Water SMP and the East Solent and Harbours SMP. The coastline covered by the Plan extends between Hurst Spit and Selsey Bill, and includes Portsmouth, Langstone and Chichester Harbours.
South Devon & Dorset SMP web site  South Devon & Dorset SMP - the neighbouring (westerly) coast between Durlston Head, near Swanage and Rame Head, near Plymouth, which includes Torbay, is covered by a Shoreline Management Plan produced by the South Devon and Dorset Coastal Authorities Group.
Poole Bay Coastal Management

includes Poole, Bournemouth & Swanage beach replenishment projects and beach works since 2005.

Poole Bay, Poole Harbour and Wareham Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Strategy study 2010 - links to the Environment Agency website, opens in a new window

The new strategy will develop policy options identified by the SMP Review into implementation plans which detail flood risk management solutions at specific locations.

The study is carried out by the Environment Agency and Atkins Global, in partnership with the local authorities of Bournemouth, Poole, Purbeck and Dorset County.  The study area for the strategy extends from Durlston Head to Hengistbury Head. It includes Poole Harbour and the estuaries of the Frome and Piddle up to their tidal limits.  Once it is completed and approved, the strategy will guide much of the work the Environment Agency and local authorities do in this area in the future.

Your input is welcome.  Follow the link above or download the Briefing Document (July 2010, PDF, 45kb) for information and contact details.

New Forest National Park Authority Coastal Heritage Project - set up to fully record the archaeology of the Hampshire coastline.  The project extends beyond the New Forest National Park boundary north to Redbridge and west to the Hampshire-Dorset border. It covers 82 kilometres of coast and includes the area 10 metres above sea level through the intertidal zone to six nautical miles off shore.
Defra (Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs) Defra - the UK government department responsible for policy and regulations on the environment, food and rural affairs.

Natural England is a government agency, responsible for enabling UK legislation & conservation of dynamic coasts, and managing European Habitats Directive and International Agreements in the coastal zone.
Dorset Coast Forum
The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) was established in 2010 to make a significant contribution to sustainable development in the marine area.
Southern Coastal Group (SCG)
Standing Conference on Problems Associated with the Coastline (SCOPAC)
Channel Coastal Observatory
ABPmer Marine Planning (new July 2010)
Dorset Wildlife Trust is a consultee to the Councils' flood & coastal management programme.
Dorset Coast Digital Archive
UK Climate Projections have been created to help the UK to plan for a changing climate
National Voice of Coastal Communities
Dorset County Council
Hampshire County Council
Poole & Christchurch Bays Coastal Group is not responsible for the contents or reliability of linked web sites and does not necessarily endorse the views expressed within them.

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