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The SMP Review has been undertaken by consultants

on behalf of

The Final SMP2

Adopted 1st July 2011

Approved 4th August 2011

SMP2 has been signed off by the Environment Agency's Regional Director.

Our thanks to all those individuals, community groups and others organisations that contributed to the successful conclusion of this project.

Please note: the SMP is a policy document which makes recommendations for action.  Implementation of the Action Plan (Section 7) will depend on available funding. 

This is not only the case for building and maintaining flood defences, but for a range of other actions. 

There is no guarantee that such funding will be forthcoming.  It may be available from the national flood and coastal erosion risk management budget, but it could also come from other national sources or from local and/or third party funding.


Members of the public may inspect a printed copy of SMP2 (inspection is free) at the following address:

Environment Agency

Sunrise Business Park

Higher Shaftesbury Road

Blandford Forum  DT11 8ST

Opening times: Monday to Friday 09.00 - 17.00

For more information please call 08708 506 506 or email enquiries@environment-agency.gov.uk

The Environment Agency contact for the Plan’s implementation is: Neil Watson

The plan is intended for general readership and is the main tool for communicating the intention of future management.  Whilst some justification is given for decisions made, other information that led to recommendations is contained in other documents.

The plan is presented in seven sections plus supporting appendices:

All documents open in a new window

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Section 1


Gives details on the principles, aims, structure and background to the development of the plan.


Section 2


Provides details of how the SMP meets the requirements of an Appropriate Assessment (AA) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA).


Section 3

Basis for Development of the Plan

Provides a broad overview of the Plan area, describing the concepts of sustainable policy and providing an understanding of the constraints and limitations on adopting certain policies.


Section 4

An appraisal of Options and Rationale for Preferred Plan

It has been frequently stated that there is as much value in the thought process of developing the SMP as there is in the actual policies themselves.

This section therefore aims to lead the reader through this process.  Click here for a detailed explanation (opens in a new window).


Section 4.1

Introduction, including the general principles & objectives for management, scenario comparisons and the definition of Policy Development Zones (PDZs).



View the Policy Development Zone Map (opens in a new window)

Section 4.2

Policy Development Zone 1

Central and Eastern Sections of Christchurch Bay (Hurst Spit to Friars Cliff)


Section 4.3

Policy Development Zone 2

Christchurch Harbour and Central Poole Bay (Friars Cliff to Flag Head Chine)


Section 4.4

Policy Development Zone 3

Poole Harbour and Associated Coastline (Flag Head Chine to Handfast Point, including Poole Harbour)


Section 4.5

Policy Development Zone 4

Swanage (Handfast Point to Durlston Head)


Section 5

Summary of Preferred Plan and Implications

Brings together the overall plan, highlighting important issues in relation to the future management of the coast.


Section 6

Policy Summary

Provides a brief summary of policies. It is appreciated that many readers will focus upon the local conclusions of the SMP. However, it is important to recognise that the SMP is produced for the coast as a whole, considering issues beyond specific locations. Therefore, this summary should be read in the context of the wider-scale issues and policy implications, as reported and developed in Section 4 and supported by information in the Appendices.


Section 7

Action Plan

This section includes the summary Action Plan for the SMP.  The Action Plan is a very important element of the SMP; it provides a programme for the future activities that will be required to progress the Plan and policies between now and its next review in 5 to 10 years time.

A summary of the Action Plan for each MA is presented in Section 4 within the MA statements.



Supporting Appendices

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The following documents provide the information required to support the Plan.

They are included to ensure that there is clarity in the decision-making process and that the rationale behind the policies being promoted is both transparent and auditable. The information is largely of a technical nature and is provided in thirteen appendices:


Appendix A

SMP Development

Appendix A reports the history of development of the SMP, describing more fully the plan and policy decision-making process.


Appendix B

Stakeholder Engagement

Details of the stakeholder involvement process are provided here, together with information arising from the consultation process.


Appendix C

Baseline Process Understanding

Includes baseline process report, defence assessment, NAI and WPM assessments and summarises data used in assessments:


C1 - Coastal Processes Report



C2 - Tidal Mapping



C3 - Erosion Mapping



C4 - Scenario: Baseline Case 1 - No Active Intervention (NAI)



C5 - Scenario - Baseline Case 2 - With Present Management (WPM)



C6 - Defence Data


Appendix D

Natural and Built Environment Baseline (Thematic Review)

This report identifies the environmental features (human, natural, historical and landscape) in terms of their significance and how these need to be accommodated by the SMP.


Appendix E

Issues and Objectives Evaluation

Provides information on the issues and objectives identified as part of the Plan development.


Appendix F

Strategic Environmental Assessment

Provides a systematic appraisal of the potential environmental consequences of high-level decision-making:



Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Report



Annex I - detailed assessment of SMP Policy



Annex II - detailed environmental baseline



Annex III - a summary of consultation responses




EA Statement of Environmental Particulars for the SMP2




Annex I - consultation responses




Annex II - PDZ1 historic map




Annex II - PDZ2 historic map




Annex II - PDZ3 historic map




Annex II - PDZ4 historic map




Annex III - historic environment sites at risk due to NAI


Appendix G

Scenario Testing

Presents the policy assessment and appraisal of objective achievement for the No Active Intervention scenario and the Preferred Plan.


Appendix H

Economic Appraisal

Presents the economic analysis undertaken in support of the Preferred Plan.


Appendix I

Estuary Assessment

Examines both the requirement and geographical extent to which estuaries are included within the SMP2 process.


Appendix J

Habitat Regulation Assessment (HRA) - Appropriate Assessment

Sets out support information for an Appropriate Assessment of the SMP.

This document is an optimised (reduced quality) version of the original 150MB document, and more suitable for download from a website.




Figure 5.4 - Current Topological tide-based zones within Poole Bay & Harbour




Figure 5.5 - 2025 Topological tide-based zones within Poole Bay & Harbour




Figure 5.6 - 2105 Topological tide-based zones within Poole Bay & Harbour




Appendix A - HRA Scoping Report




Appendix B - SSSI Site Condition Tables




Appendix C - Natura 2000 Site Details




Appendix D - Consultation Comments & Responses




Appendix E - Poole Harbour Area




Appendix F - Natura 2000 Site Area Spreadsheets & Figures




Appendix G - Poole Harbour Low Tide Count Sector Data & Assessment




Appendix H - Poole Harbour Roosting Bird Data & Assessment




Appendix I - Poole Harbour Breeding Bird Data & Assessment




Appendix J - PDZ1 Appropriate Assessment Tables




Appendix K - PDZ2 Appropriate Assessment Tables




Appendix L - PDZ3 Appropriate Assessment Tables




Appendix M - PDZ4 Appropriate Assessment Tables




Appendix N - IROPI Case


Appendix K

The Metadatabase, GIS and Bibliographic Database


Appendix L

Water Framework Directive (WFD)

An assessment as developed by the Environment Agency with respect to the SMP policies.


Appendix M

Review of Coastal Processes and Associated Risks at Hengistbury Head


Appendix N

Client Steering Group Approvals


Please report any document linking errors to Sarah Austin

The SMP is a 'living' document that will be reviewed and formally updated at regular intervals.

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