Completed Projects
Bournemouth Beach Replenishment, spring 2016
Part of a 17-year Beach Management Scheme to protect the coastal frontages of Poole and Bournemouth
Project Overview
- A volume of 355,500m³ of dredged material was distributed on the beach between Bournemouth Pier and Solent Beach (existing groyne No. B16 in the west to No. B36 in the east)
- Average dredging/pumping cycle time: 5.5 – 6 hours
- Total No. of loads: 134
- Project cost: £3.9m (cost per m³ placed: £10.97)
- Funded by: Environment Agency
Project Description
Three submerged pipeline locations provided the route for dredged material to be deposited on the beach. Dredged material was distributed across the beach by way of a shore pipeline and bulldozers and was retained behind a temporary sand bund at the point of deposition.
Van Oord UK Ltd was the appointed contractor to supply Bournemouth with beach material of a strictly specified Particle Size Distribution (PSD). The material was sourced from CEMEX’s Crown Estate Licenced Dredging Area 137 to the west of the Isle of Wight. The trailing suction hopper dredger Volox Olympia was used to dredge the material from the seabed. The suction (drag) head incorporated a 65mm screen to prevent the accidental loading of unexploded bombs or explosive remnants of war into the vessel’s hopper. The hopper capacity ranged from between 2,500 to 3,200m dependent on fuel volumes.
The Volox Olympia sailed between the dredge area and the three deposition locations by a pre-determined route, as agreed between stakeholders; liaison between the Council, Contractor, two appointed Fisheries Liaison Officers and the fishing community was crucial to ensure smooth passage for the dredge vessel to site.
The dredger discharged by attaching to a floating pipeline (approx. 150m long) which was located at the offshore end of the sinker pipeline. The floating pipeline was connected to the 650m long sinker (seabed) pipeline that pumped material to shore. A final section of 200m on-shore pipeline distributed the material directly along the beach.
The beach replenishment project has been completed. It is part of the 17 year Poole Bay Beach Management Scheme 2015-2032.