
About the SMP

SMP2 in full

The Project Team

The Review

Our Shoreline



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The SMP Review has been undertaken by consultants

on behalf of

Poole & Christchurch Bays

Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) Review

SMP2 approved - project complete

August 2011

SMP2 Leaflet, Spring 2011 (PDF, 7Mb)

CSG & EMF Minutes





Welcome to the Poole & Christchurch Bays website, home of the local Shoreline Management Plan and its review (2008-2010).

The length of coast covered by the Plan (including estuaries a total of 190km, or 118 miles) extends between Durlston Head in the west and Hurst Spit to the east, and includes the coastal communities of:



Poole (including Poole Harbour)


Christchurch (including Christchurch Harbour)




The Poole & Christchurch Bays Shoreline Management Plan (SMP2) is the first revision of the original Shoreline Management Plan (SMP1) produced in 1999.

The review took place between October 2008 - November 2009, and the Draft SMP2 was made available for public examination in November 2009.  The final SMP2 document was published late October 2010.

Click to link to the Adobe Reader free downloadThe website includes documents to download, usually in Adobe PDF format Get Adobe Reader.

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