Existing Management Plans |
Christchurch, East Dorset, North Dorset & Salisbury Strategic
Flood Risk Assessment |
Bournemouth Seafront Strategy [more] |
Brownsea Island
Management Plan |
Coastal Habitat
Management Plan (CHaMPS) for Poole Harbour |
Christchurch Bay
Strategy Study |
Beaches & Hinterland Management Plan |
Harbour & Waterways Management Plan |
Quay Management Plan |
Dorset and East
Devon Coast World Heritage Site Management Plan |
Dorset Area
Outstanding Natural Beauty Management Plan |
Dorset Coast
Strategy |
Dorset Local
Geodiversity Action Plan |
The Dorset Stour
Catchment Flood Management Plan |
Frome & Piddle
Coastal Flood Management Plan |
Hengistbury Head Management Plan [more] |
Hurst Spit Beach
Management Plan |
Local Authority
Local Plans (NFDC / BBC / BoP / CBC / PDC) |
Mudeford Quay
Management Plan |
Sandbank Management Plan |
Sandspit Beach Management Plan |
New Forest SAC
Management Plan |
Planning Policy
Guidelines PPS25 |
Poole Harbour
Strategic Flood Risk Assessment |
Poole &
Christchurch Bays SMP1 |
Poole Bay &
Harbour Strategy Study |
Poole Harbour
Aquatic Management Plan |
Purbeck District
Strategic Flood Risk Assessment |
Data held by Stakeholders |
Annual Beach Monitoring Survey Hampshire |
Barton Cliffs - Vegetation & Restoration
Trials (NFDC 1999) |
Barton-on-Sea - Cliff movement (NFDC 1995
to present) |
Barton-on-Sea - Cliff Stabilisation 2002 |
Barton-on-Sea - Piezometer Data (NFDC 1991
to present) |
Barton-on-Sea - Rain Gauge Data (NFDC 1999
to present) |
Barton-on-Sea - Aerial photographs
showing changes to the cliff top 1950-1980 |
Barton-on-Sea - Monitoring of Ground
movement & Groundwater 1991-1997 (NFDC 1998) |
Barton-on-Sea - The Coastal Landslides
at Barton-on-Sea Hampshire UK (HP Rendel 2002) |
Bournemouth Borough Council Leisure
Services Seafront Strategy 2007-2011 |
Bournemouth conurbation tourism usage
figures / economic impact figures (£’s) at beach / beach usage
numbers |
Channel Coastal Observatory data (aerial
ortho-rectified photographs, topographic data bathymetry and LiDAR) |
Christchurch Bay. The stability of the
Shingle Beaches in the Eastern Half of Christchurch Bay (Ph.D. R.
J. Nicholls 1985) |
Christchurch Harbour. Annual
ornithological reports dating back to 1956 |
Christchurch Harbour & Waterways
Management Plan |
Dorset and East Devon Coast World
Heritage Site Management Plan (current) |
Dredging. Application for Marine
Aggregate Extraction Licence Area 451 St Catherine’s Environmental
Statement |
Durlston Bay Coastal Strategy Study (HP Rendel 2005) |
Environment Agency South West Region
Report on Extreme Tide Levels Update (March 2008, Second Draft) |
Environmental Statement: Aggregate
Production Licence Production West Channel (Area 465/1 & 465/2) |
Event Report Coastal Flood Event 10th -
11th March 2008 Wessex Area (Blandford Forum) |
Fishermen’s Jetty, Swanage |
Future Coast (2002) |
Hampshire Coast – Historical Changes on
the Hampshire Coast 1870-1965 (1987) |
Hampshire Coast - Review of the
Hampshire Coastline Volumes I & II (HR Wallingford, 1987) |
Hamworthy Park – photographs of
flooding, Spring 2008 |
Hengistbury Head - Coast Protection Study
(Hydraulics Research 1986) |
Hengistbury Head - Consequences of
Breaching |
Hengistbury Head – films & reports
(Hengistbury Head Residents Association) |
Hengistbury Head – Observations &
Questions relating to Halcrow’s “Poole Bay & Harbour Strategy
Study” July 2005 (Hengistbury Head Residents Association) |
Hengistbury Head – photographs of
headland and low lying areas (Hengistbury Head Residents
Association) |
Hengistbury Head – Sea Breakthrough Fact
Sheets 1,2 & 3 (Aug 05 - Nov 07) (Hengistbury Head Residents
Association) |
Hengistbury Head - Tackling Coastal
Challenge. Dorset Rural Pathfinder Challenge 4: The breaching of
Hengistbury Head |
Holes Bay Flood Risk Pre Feasibility
Report |
Hurst Spit Stabilisation Scheme Dredging
Area 406 Annual Reports |
Marine Aggregate Evaluation of Shingles
Bank Christchurch Bay (1992) |
Milford-on-Sea Action Plan - Parish
Vision 2020 (Sept 1997, Milford-on-Sea Residents Association) |
Mudeford & Stanpit Flood Risk Pre
Feasibility Report |
Mudeford & Stanpit Flood Risk Viability
Report |
Naish Beach Coast Protection Scheme
Preliminary Studies (NFDC 1996) |
National Coastal Erosion Risk Mapping
(current) |
National Flood & Coastal Defence
Database (current) |
National Trust - Plans of tenanted and
franchised property/businesses, details of NT infrastructure &
Studland Bay amenities |
National Trust - Broad-spectrum risk assessment for all
National Trust / Coastal Properties in the Wessex Region |
New Forest Coastal Archaeological
Resource |
New Forest District Council - Coastal
Management Report (NFDC 1997) |
New Forest District Council - Coastal
Management Report (NFDC 2003) |
New Forest District Council - Report on
analysis of cliff stability 1991 |
Peveril Point Options Appraisal Report |
Poole & Christchurch Bays Research
Project - Christchurch Bay (University of Southampton 1977) |
Poole & Christchurch Bays Research
Project - Research on Beach Processes (University of Southampton
1976) |
Poole & Christchurch Bays Research
Project 1980 |
Poole & Christchurch Bays Research
Project - Sediment Sampling & Analysis (Southampton University 1986) |
Poole & Christchurch Bays Research
Project - Sediment Sampling & Analysis Reports (Southampton
University 1979 to 1988) |
Poole Bay - Wave conditions at west end
of Poole Bay commissioned by Branksome Park, Canford Cliffs &
District Residents Association |
Poole Harbour Approach Channel Deepening
& Beneficial Use of Dredged Material. Environmental Statement |
Poole Harbour - Flood Model Review |
Poole Harbour - Flood Risk Pre Feasibility
Report |
Poole Harbour - Strategic Flood Risk
Assessment |
Poole Harbour - The vegetation of Poole
Harbour (Brian Edwards 2004) |
Poole Harbour Strategy Tidal Flood Risk
Mapping Final Summary Results Report July 2003 |
Poole Harbour, Christchurch, and Wareham
Areas Benefiting from Defences Flood Risk Mapping, 2008 |
Rain Gauge Data (BoP, 1934-1996 incomplete, 1996 to present
complete) |
Poole Sea Defences Feasibility Study
2008 |
Purbeck District Council - Options
Report |
Purbeck District Strategic Flood Risk
Assessment (Purbeck DC 2007) |
Response of Shingle Barrier Beaches to
Extreme Hydrodynamic Conditions (Ph.D. A. P. Bradbury 1998) |
SCOPAC Research Project: Coastal
Sediment Transport Study Volume 4 Highcliffe Castle to Swanage
(1991) |
SCOPAC Research Project: Preparing for
the Impacts of Climate Change (SCOPAC 2001) |
SCOPAC Research Project: Sediment Inputs
in the coastal system. Phase 3 (SCOPAC 1999) |
SCOPAC Sediment Transport Study |
South Coast Tidal Flood Risk Mapping
Summary Results Report March 2003 Final Report. Superseded
by Tidal Flood Zones Compliance Main Stage. December 2007 |
South Wessex Coastal Defences Strategic
Review |
South West - Report on Regional Extreme
Tide Levels February 2003. Superseded by
Environment Agency South West Region Report on Extreme Tide Levels
Update |
Southeast Strategic Regional Coastal
Monitoring Programme Annual Reports & Wave Reports (CCO) |
Strategic Monitoring of the Coastline
Towards a Regional Approach (NFDC) |
Student Dissertations (various) |
Studland Bay Management Plan - Managed
realignment commissioned by National Trust (Halcrow 2006) |
Studland - Middle Beach Studland,
condition assessment of the gabion sea defences (Royal Haskoning
2001-2008) |
Sturt Pond - A report on the Environmental Condition
of Sturt Pond (NFDC 2001) |
Swanage Bay Beach Management Study
(Halcrow 2000) |
Swanage Beach Recharge Scheme Engineers
Report and Beach Management Plan (Halcrow 2004) |
Swanage Beach Recharge Scheme
Environmental Statement (Halcrow 2004) |
Swanage Beach Recharge Scheme Halcrow
2005 |
Swanage Coastal Flood Warning
Procedures 2007 (Halcrow) |
Tidal Flood Zones Compliance Main Stage,
December 2007 |
Wareham Meadows and Moors (15 Drawing
Sheets) Land around Frome and Piddle |
Wareham Strategy Inception Report.
October 2000 |
Wareham Tide Banks
Topographic Survey March 2004 and July 2005 |
Wessex - Rare reptile & amphibian locations
(The Herpetological Conservation Trust) |